Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Daily Life: The Power of Lunch

I spent all of the morning in teleconferences and my tolerance
threshold was slowly creeping downward. Small things were starting to
slip under my skin.

Fortunately I had a window for lunch. A quick walk in the sun, spicy
tofu, tuna salad, and an iced blackcherry smoothly later, with a few
minutes to slow down, think, contemplate, daydream later - back to
being mostly human.

Two more meetings to go, then an hour or two of actual work and I will
be able to call it a day and wander out into the sunshine of a
California afternoon.

I have a follow up visit today regarding the stress fracture in my
foot. I am anticipating a clean bill of health and then the ramp back
up into walking and running.

I was going to micro-vent in this blog entry, but as I enjoyed lunch I
realized I really had nothing to vent about. Today's irritations were
the ordinary irritations of life in a complex world and they quickly
fall away as we move through the day.

Sent from my iPhone

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