Monday, February 15, 2010

entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem

I drove to work this morning in a heavy winter fog. Visibility was about fifty yards or less for the whole of the drive, which gave the commute a very surreal feeling. I was listening to Melissa Etheridge on the stereo -




And so it goes, this too shall pass away, it cuts so strange

The only thing that stays the same is change

The only thing that stays the same is change


I'm not so sure where I have been

I don't know just where I'm going

Hard as I hold it in my hand

I can't stop the wind from blowing


And so it goes, this too shall pass away, it cuts so strange..."


I think Melissa is one of the great American songwriters - a brilliant story teller, a keen observer of the human condition, and a talented artist.


We're sliding into the third week of February.  2010 opened quickly for me and has been moving just as quickly around.  I am resolutely focused on making those choices that keep life simple. I focus on being in the moment that I am in, doing the thing that I am doing, making those choices that still the monkey mind.


I was talking with my lover T.R. last night, who has been a great and enthusiastic supporter of my taking those moves toward a state of tranquility (after the particular challenges 2009 had presented) and we were discussing making simple choices - today as that conversation reverberated inside of me I realized that, to a great degree it means attempting to live the philosophical principle of Occam's Razor. Philosophically Occam hit on one of the Tao's three greatest treasures - simple in actions and in thoughts you return to the source of being.  I want to do my best this year to stay focused on that and return, as closely as possible, to my source of being.


entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem

(entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity)

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