Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Last Sunday of Vacation

It is a foggy dawn on the last Sunday of vacation. I was woken this morning by a passionate and emotional discussion by a pair of young adults on the sidewalk outside of the apartment complex - one of the drawbacks of condensed urban living and summer nights spent with the windows open.

I recalled a pair of dreams. The first was nostalgic and involved memories of playing on a tractor as a child and pretending it was a spaceship. In the second dream I was some sort of criminal and was captured twice due to carelessness on my part (trusting the wrong person) and was able escape both time by taking bold advantage of the carelessness of other people.

All in all it has been a good vacation - I can't say I am excited about going back to work, but I can say that I am ready. At some point today I may log in and take a look at what I am sure is going to be a massive email queue. (But even as I type that I realize the odds of it happening are pretty small!)

I think the day will be spent mostly in lazy pursuits and in preparing for the return to the cycles of the working world with its peculiar sense of rhythm. A morning shower, breakfast, and then a load or two of laundry seem like an appropriate start.
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