Sunday, January 15, 2012

Attack the Block - Movie Review

I have been waiting for a while to watch this movie.  I heard about it last summer when I was down at Comic Con, it passed through the theaters near me without my being able to make over, and I picked it up on DVD the other weekend.  Today, I had a bit of quiet time so I watched it.

It is pretty good - it is an entertaining little take on the alien invasion theme. In this case, the aliens invade a tough London neighbor where they run up against a bunch of local kids - who precede to kick alien butt through the movie.  No Oscar's here, but definitely great light entertainment.  I'd recommend it for anyone who wants to spend a pleasant pair of hours.

I've settled in for the evening, after a dinner of honey walnut prawns and Tsing Tao rice from Tsing Tao in Campbell, and I am watching the Golden Globe awards - which is a pleasant way to spin the weekend down.  I had some insights today, but I am letting them stir around in there before I write about them.

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