Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Colors of the Day

It was an interesting day.  I slept well last night.  If I dreamed I do not recall what those dreams were. I woke about 5:30 AM and lingered in bed for a while, just listening to the birds and watching the dawn unfold into the day.  I got out of bed, took a nice hot shower, texted T.R., and then a sister and a brother. I sorted laundry for the day and did some incidental household cleaning.

From there, I drove over to the Hickory Pit to meet Bob, Ty, and Tony.  Breakfast was biscuits and gravy with a bowl of oatmeal and conversation. After breakfast I headed over the laundry and got my clothes in, then wandered around the neighborhood, admiring the sights.  There are plenty of blooming flowers and contributed to the colors of the day.  The three pictures in this entry are from that walk.

After laundry finished up, I circled back home for a short while, long enough to put my clothes away and put some incidental purchases away.  I had a nice long conversation with my step-dad. I circled back out, going to the gym, then stopping at the office supply store for printer cartridges, and then at the kitchen store seeking an egg poaching pan.  I had not been able to find one, so I think I am going to go up on Amazon tonight to see if I can find one there.

When I got home from that cycle of errand running, I took an hour nap, and then headed back out to meet Tony for dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings, which was a very tasty choice.  After we ate, we walked over the Target so Tony could pick up some odds and ends.  It was a total zoo inside, which is one of the reasons I tend to avoid shopping on weekends.

Now, I am home, in a melancholy mood, watching "Five Fingers", with Ryan Phillipe and Lawrence Fishburn.  It was recommended by D.J. at the Hickory Pit and so far has been an excellent book.  So, the weekend is sliding to a close, I am lazy and easy and missing T.R., half engulfed in my melancholy mood, contemplating writing.

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