Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Her Prayer

It is night. I am laying on my left side in bed. I put down the book I was reading. The only constant in the room is the hum of the fan drawing in cool air. Intermittentally the sluicing sound of tires or the soft throb of an engine rises above the fan.

I think of her. I roll onto my back. I stare at the ceiling for a while. I close my eyes for a while and just breathe in and out. It is to early to sleep. I roll out of bed and kneel near the side. I cross myself. I pray. I pray for me. I pray for her. I pray the only prayer I know. The prayer that shapes the universe. The prayer that gives me faith, hope, and peace.

Having prayed, I climb back into bed and pick up my book. There is still time to read some more before I fall asleep.

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