Wednesday, August 6, 2008


It was long day. From seven AM to a short while ago. It had its frustrations. It had its moments of darkness and its moments of light. It had its bright and shining times - a conversation, an email, a text. People made it bright. There is I think an Angel that stands just inside the doorway of life and collects the cover charge. Tonight I paid. Tonight I danced. Tonight I sat at the bar and looked at my reflection and there was a moment that passed. It might have just been a moment. It might have been the moment. Loss. Need. Want. Hope. One glimmering flash in a strangers eyes. rolled on. It has that habit. Cynical or philosophical or realist, I am only me. I cannot be more or less, whether the day is short or long. Today was...long. Now, I will sleep and tomorrow will be tomorrow. I wonder who counts the stars in the night sky...and who misses that one bright star that slips out of sight. Me, I think. And the Angel collecting the cover charge at door of life. Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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