Sunday, November 9, 2008

Dreams of Houses

Last night I had three successive dreams of houses, which was highly
unusual. In the first, I dreamt that a friend of mine was moving into
a new house, with all the attending excitement - a bit of apprehension
about leaving the old house, but the thrill of the new.

In the second I was going to a meeting of some sort of housing
association or board. They were all older women dressed as you might
see in a movie about a rural Italian gathering. They were intimidating
looking, but they were quite friendly and in a good mood. They made me
feel very welcome and shared yellow sponge cake with white frosting,
served on nearly translucent bone china and small silver dessert forks.

In the third dream a familiar stranger had just entered a relatinship
and was moving in with their lover. The move was into a townhouse and
so was a step down for them. They were having misgivings - nervously
anticipating the relationship and wondering if they had made the right
decision at the same time.

Sent from my iPhone

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