Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Recommendations and General Observations

Once again it has been quite a while since I've written.  I've mostly just been busy with the routine personal and professional things that drive our lives. Nothing serious, nothing major, nothing earthshaking or life changing.  Just life.

I've been spending a lot of my free time reading "Tower Lord" by Anthony Ryan.  Previously I'd read the first novel in the series "Blood Song". I'd recommend them if you like to read fantasy - Mr. Ryan is a good story teller and he's got a nice stable of characters running through the two novels.

I've seen a few movies, but nothing particularly spectacular - though I really enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy.  It is a very entertaining bit of escapist fare that I would also highly recommend.

TR is on vacation, so, as usual, I am missing her and patiently waiting for her to return.  From her I learned something that I would recommend people try - periodically during the year she goes "off the grid".  Not out of contact or anything, but definitely in a position where the vast electronic world has less of an opportunity to intrude. It is easy to lose track of the moment in the midst of all the waves of data that flow at us in a continual high pressure flow.

I've also been reading a lot of non-fiction and poetry lately. This has definitely been the year in which I've spent a lot of time reading.  I enjoy reading in all its levels, so that has been a very nice way to occupy my free time. Other than that, and the fast passage of time in the modern world, things are going well.

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