Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday's Winding Down

Today was my off Friday but I ended up working six hours or so preparing for project go live scheduled for next week.  I am looking forward to it and from everything I can tell it is going to go pretty smoothly.  We"ll have all the data staged and the release itself is significant process wise, but not major from a technical standpoint.

I had a rough week. Wednesday was my melt-down day.  It was a stressful day anyway, right out of the chute, and then in the late afternoon my manager called and put some additional pressure on my to do a couple of tasks that lead to a heated discussion about the time pressure I was under.  Here, I will insert my semi-standard rant about bad leadership and get on with it.  We're understaffed and overworked and the stress levels continue to be high.

I do have the weekend off though, so I am going to go out and do something different, just to remind myself that there is something else to write about besides work.  I haven't decided what I am going to do, but I am looking forward to it.  I thought about just taking a nice long hike, something with a semi-serious distance, so I can see if I can beat my personal best on my pedometer (which is about seven and a half miles).  That sounds like a worthy goal.

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