Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Sirens of the Unreal

We carry within us the echoes of past events. The complex weave of our memories interlaces with the moment in a hundred subtle ways. Small current events can brush against older events, causing the memories to rise up and inhabit the current moment, like ghostly judges, peering over our shoulders, sitting in judgment of the day and the events of the day.

It can be very difficult to shake those judges, with their opinions made of memory, out of the moment. We live in a world of illusion. The illusion is that past events somehow cause present events. The illusion is that the past somehow illuminates the present, somehow shapes the future.

Reality is that we are in a world where we, as independent beings, capable of thought and action, possess an incredible potential, limited only by the physics of the universe. The opinions made of memory are essentially meaningless in the present. Each moment is shaped by the thoughts and the actions that happen inside of that moment. Nothing more, nothing less.

Our thoughts and our actions inside the moment bring forth the occurrence of that moment from the vast and amorphous potential that is the universe, that is our life. It is an incredible thing, dazzling in its sheer simplicity. The past is an echo. The past is the opinion of memory. The past is illusion. The near limitless potential of our lives is born in the thoughts and actions of the moment.

If you can reach out a nd pull yourself into the moment, pull yourself away from the echoes of the past and the dreams of the future and the allure of the sirens of the unreal, then you will known the moment and knowing the moment you will know…everything you need to know.

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