Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Purity of Falling

Lately I have been running over a very specific sense memory - a sense memory of the purity of falling.  Probably everyone has had the experience of falling more than once in their lives.  Sometimes they are simple slips and falls, sometimes they are controlled falls, sometimes they are all out tumbling free fall.  Sometimes they hurt at the far end, sometimes they are embarrassing, and sometimes they are actually funny - nearly pratfalls.  There is purity in falling - a moment when you simply are - not in control.  You have crossed the threshold and all that remains is the anticipation of the moment of impact. There is a small window of time when you are falling and you have absolutely no control. That is a very pure moment.  I am not sure why I am circling around the sense memory of falling, but I am. I don't think I am falling. But then, would I know? Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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