Thursday, August 7, 2008

Y Chromosome Density

As one of those fortunate people gifted with a Y chromosome, I can be, at times, incredibly…dense.  It can be a gift at times – moving through life without an awareness of subtlety and nuance. Sometimes I think that is why men are often happier than women. It is not that we really are happier.  It is just that, being generally clueless, we think we’re happier.  I am joking of course. Happiness or unhappiness is entirely a local and specific phenomenon. I may be happy. You may be happy.  To take it much beyond there is to stumble into error.

Today, because of, in spite of, my Y chromosome, I am happy. I managed to catch a subtlety. I managed to notice a nuance. I managed to navigate through the territory of miscommunication and only bounce off the rocks a couple of times. That is a good feeling.  The best part…the very best part…I felt as if I heard and was heard. Even those of us suffering from a healthy case of Y Chromosome Density can appreciate that.

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