Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day Two

There is a heavy marine layer sitting over San Diego so it is gray and cool, nearly light jacket weather.

We started the day by driving to Janet's Montana Cafe in Alpine for an excellent breakfast of Spanish omelets on a rustic wooden porch. That far inland the sun managed to burn through the clouds, but it was the only sunlight we saw all day.

We did some incidental things and took a test run downtown so Tony could familiarize himself with the route.

Then, we went to the Fleet Science Center up at Balboa Park where we toured the museum and saw the new Hubble IMax film, which was pretty dang cool.

Then we picked up our credentials for Comic Con.

Dinner was a small deep dish pizza and a watermelon, olive, spinach and goat cheese salad in a light salad dressing that was actually outstanding.

I also managed to slip in some serious spa/resort relaxation time.

The plan is to call it an early night so we can get an early start on tomorrow.
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