Saturday, May 31, 2008

Crash Cart!


So, the day started good. I got a good night sleep.  I woke up, ran through the shower, make a pot of coffee, fired up the stereo, listened to a couple of CD's, chatted with friends online, took a couple of work phone calls, took a couple of personal phone calls, then went to breakfast with a friend.


I made the mistake of having breakfast with a friend who is going through a stressful time.  We got to talking.  My stressful time and his started this feedback loop.  We both vented, which is a good thing, but we also both fed each others stress beasties.

So, I had to come home and restart the day.  Almost the same way I started it earlier - music, coffee, chatting with friends.  It took about two hours to pull it back under control.  In the interim the sun came out, so it is crisp but blue outside and in moments I am going to head back out and pick back up where I left off. 

Going to get the car washed, then pop up to the Triton Art Museum in Santa Clara.  Walk the grounds, see some of the exhibits, savor the eternal and enjoy a bit of that California sun.  Then, probably circle home for a while - and after that maybe dinner and a movie.*  But, I will be careful about who I have dinner with.

Hahahaha - my friend meant no harm.  He is on his journey, I am on mine - we just happened to bump into each other and create that pretty wicked feedback loop.  Weird how that happens.

*Never happened.  I got dressed, walked out and checked the mail. Brought the mail back into the apartment, was sorting it and contemplating just how many times I had used the word "exhausted" in conversation with people today.  So, I took a quick swim, came back inside, curled up with "Odd Hours", read for a while and then fell asleep.  I slept for about three hours.  I am up again and contemplating dinner, but tonight - I am just going to stay home, maybe watch a movie on DVD, maybe read some more, maybe just sleep some more.
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