Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Dream of the Whirlwind

I had a strange dream last night - I dreamt of a whirlwind.  I had fallen asleep and about three AM woke up from the dream.  I dreamt that I was someplace very green, a place of lush vegetation, deep in the trees.  There were many people there and they were all talking at once in the center of a huge whirlwind that was spinning around them, gusting through the trees.  They did not seem concerned about the whirlwind even as it spun them around in and out of the trees.  Snippets of conversation were carried about on the wind and flowed over me, around me, and through me.  I do not remember any specific conversational subject, though I knew there were conversations that I was interested in and people that I was interested in hearing.

I strained to hear those that interested me, but only portions of their conversations swept by me.  There was no sense of unease, no sense of anxiety.  It was as if being inside of the whirlwind and having a conversation with may people in the midst of a lush green forest was a very natural thing.  Within the whirlwind I sensed a certain glee, a certain gladness. 

I did wake with the feeling that there was a conversation that I was not quite conscious of, but that it was a good conversation.  All it all, it was an unusual dream.

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