Sunday, May 18, 2008

Unformed Thoughts

Unformed Thoughts

I started out intending to write about...

And then I changed my mind and decided to write about...

And then....

Unformed thoughts are interesting things.  They slip into our minds and seem to just kind of float around until they find something to attach to.  I started out tonight intending to write about a quote I had heard the other day, but then, danged if I can remember what the actual quote was.  I am close I think, but I feel as if I am missing a critical part of the quote, so I decided to set it aside until I am sure of the quote.

So, setting that idea aside I thought I would write about some of the things I saw today when I was at an Art & Wine Festival in Mt. View, CA.  But, I have some accompanying pictures I wanted to post - however, I would have to photoshop them down to a smaller size - and I am a little to lazy for tonight.

Then, I thought I would write a little about a collection of very short (flash) short stories I picked up the other day - but I realized I have only read a handful of them, so I might want to get a little deeper into the collection before I tell you about it. 

So, I thought I would write a little about "Killing Rommel" by Stephen Pressfield.  I just finished it this afternoon, but I thought for effect I would include a quote from the book - there is an excellent quote about novels in there.  But, I have to look through the book to find it again.  I know roughly where it is, but it is not exactly where I thought it would be.

So, I am stuck with unformed thoughts and wanted to write something. So, I thought I would write about unformed thoughts.  Of course, that would involve given them form.  Then they would not be unformed.

So, the best thing I can write about unformed thoughs is...silence.

With a smile.  Goodnight.

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