Thursday, June 18, 2009

Daily Life: Working Lunch

I had a working lunch today with some of my co-workers at Mexicali Grill over in Sunnyvale, near Mission College and the AMC Mercado. It is a beautiful California day here (there is that word again). The temperature is 79 degrees, there is a cool breeze off the San Francisco Bay, and the sky is a very vivid blue with high wispy clouds.

I had the Snapper Veracruzano for lunch, served with rice and refried beans, fresh tortilla chips and fresh guacamole, all washed down with tall glasses of iced tea in good company. Things like that make life well worth living - the simple pleasures of it all. I've a few hours of work left, with no meetings scheduled, so it should be a quiet and productive afternoon. Then, I will be slipping into a three day weekend, with the first day of summer officially falling on Father's Day, the 21st. I've already sent my Father's Day card, as well as a birthday card for my mother (her's in on the 23rd).

Based on conversation at lunch I had to go out on YouTube and find the theme to Cold Case Files (Nara by E.S. Posthumus). One of my co-workers has the song as the ring tone on her cell phone and it rang during lunch, which prompted a round of name that tune.

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