Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Better Days and Blueberries

Despite the fact that I woke up this morning thinking of work it did turn out to be a better day. I approached the pressure inducing analysis that I've been working on with a "head down, tight focus" attitude and moved through most of that day simply focusing on the task at hand.

It was time consuming, but ultimately it moved smoothly. About two thirty in the afternoon I sent both the reports off for review. One was approved and I expect to see the other approved tomorrow morning.

I managed to weave in and out of a few meetings and stop by a potluck as well.

Then, the best part, at the end of the day I stopped at Holder's Country Inn for the most excellent blueberry blintzes. My plan tonight is to keep it low key - spend the evening reading and thinking, then most likely a call home to the folks, time with T.R., and an early visit with the sandman. I may even spend some time writing, if the mood strikes me.

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