Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Life is Mystery

It is a quiet Tuesday evening here in San Jose. I thought I'd take a few minutes and write about today. It was an interesting day. It started with the strange dreams about the nature of reality that I wrote about a short while ago and that contemplation of reality continued through the day. I had worked late last night and I went into the office early this morning with the intention of leaving early. Unfortunately that didn't happen. My calendar is kinda full this week and that is has made for some days are passing very quickly. This is my short work week so I have Friday off.

I came home tonight and stopped at JC's for some barbecue. As usual it was excellent chicken and hotlinks. I had that simple barbecue dinner and spent two hours watching the series finale of "Falling Skies". It was an excellent series and I'm glad to hear they renewed it for another year. It has an excellent cast Noah Wylie, Moon Bloodgood, and Will Patton. (I also happen to be a big fan of Noah Wylie's "The Librarian" series. It's sort of a guilty pleasure for me.) Rather than letting the DVR skip the commercials I let the commercials run and used that opportunity to start moving things back into the spare bedroom. The apartment complex is planning on coming to on Friday for a plumbing inspection, the routine deal, happens once a year. I had quite a few boxes stacked in the kitchen that I needed to just get out of the way.

I have all my books stacked on the kitchen table I'm guessing there's maybe 200 to 250. There might be less. I'm going to take a run through them, recycle more than a few and try to cut the number of actual physical books I have down to 50. I'm not really sure I'll be able to do it but I am going to give it a try. I would say that I currently do about 80% of my reading on the Kindle. I'm just a huge fan of the Kindle. Electronic media is the wave of the future whether it's books, music or movies. We can resist it but it's not a resistance we will ever win.

T.R. is traveling right now, sort of a mini vacation, sort of a getaway, sort of her retreat. All of those things wrapped together. We will communicate as we can while she travels and I'm sure I'm going to spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about her. I am, as I mentioned in my profile, intensely private person. There are a variety of reasons for that, some good, some bad and most just are. it's hard for me to quantify or qualify the impact she's had on me. She moves with the simple grace, as mere TR, and it is sufficient that she is TR, and it is sufficient that she is mere. Sometimes life is about the sufficiency of things. Sometimes life is about the mere-ness of things. Whatever it happens to be about, life in all its glory is Mystery.

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