Sunday, May 31, 2009

Daily Life: Two Dreams

I had a pair of interesting dreams this weekend.

Saturday morning I awoke from a dream that my bedroom was full of birds. They were perched all around the room and there were all different kinds of birds and they all had different kinds of books. It was as if I was in a library for birds, or in a bird book club, where they had all gathered at dawn to discuss what they were reading and those discussions where enthusiastic critiques of literature.

Sunday morning I awoke from a dream in sepia! To the best of my knowledge I have dreamt in color and I have dreamt in black and white, but I have never dreamt in sepia. It was a simple dream of a woman dressing.

(If you are unsure what sepia is, here is a link to a portrait of a woman in sepia, portrait by Steve Malcomson on Redbubble.)

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