Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday Morning And Thinking Of Vacation

The weather looks nice out there today.  I just glanced at the forecast on the web and it looks like it will be a nice week as I prepare to slide into my vacation. It looks to be a pretty constant week with the daily high up around 85 and the nightly low down around 60, about typical for a California summer.  I can definitely live with that!

I dreamt last night but in the morning have no recollection of the subject or substance of the dream. Instead, I have only the memory that I dreamt. The morning is quiet and cool, with the usual birds singing somewhere outside and the assorted quiet sounds of the waking city. I like to linger on mornings like this, cup of coffee, windows wide open, looking at the soft gray and blue sky.

I am looking forward to my vacation time.  I wrap up work on Thursday, then have Friday through Monday to unwind.  Tuesday we fly down to San Diego and stay there for a full week, flying back to San Jose on Tuesday again.  Then, I have Wednesday through Sunday before I have to go back to work. 

It is the first time in a long time that I have taken a full two week vacation for myself.  Usually, I split my vacation time - using some of it (often the bulk of it) to mingle family visits and vacation, and then take a week or so for myself. I am curious as to the mood I'll be in when it finishes.  This is also the first vacation I have had, in recent memories (probably since 2005) where I have had the vacation without a major project looming in front of me, so I am sure that is going to alter the impact of the vacation.

I will be taking my laptop with me on vacation to San Deigo for a variety of reasons.  Since almost all modern hotels now have high speed internet the internet is a valuable tool when in a strange city and it is nice to be able to look things up as you plot the particulars of a certain day. Then of course, lounging, watching a movie on the hotel TV, eating room service, and playing are, to me, significant parts of a vacation. Then of course I can email, chat, journal, and post my photographs as I go along.

I've got several short stories or poems tumbling around inside of me this week, so I am hoping to get some creative writing time, but we will see how that goes.  The main focus this week, at least through Thursday, is going to be focusing on getting work related things squared away so that I can slip out with a clean conscience.

Well, the bottom of the coffee cup is approaching, so I think I will saddle up and head into the office. 

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