Monday, June 17, 2013

A Quiet Night At Home

I'm home for the evening and I happen to be watching a very good movie with Woody Harrelson called "The Walker".  It is a solid little drama about politics and character.  I'd highly recommend it. A masterful performance by Mr. Harrelson, with a great supporting cast. I am not sure how this movie slipped by me when it was in theatrical release.

It was a mostly productive day at work.  Actually, it was pretty good for a Monday when I stop to think about it. Through the strangeness of the universe I only had one meeting today.  That does not happen very often, so I took advantage of it by working through my backlog of tasks.

One of the things that happens in the project world is your dance card fills up with many small tasks you never have time to work, so it seems like you're constantly running behind. This week I am going to try and get most of them cleared off my plate.  I am not sure how successful I am going to be, but it is going to be worth the try.

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