Friday, June 6, 2008

There’s Rod!

There’s Rod!

For a long time I have been fascinated by questions of identity.  Who exactly are we?  What makes us who we are? Do we have defining characteristics that, once those characteristics change, we are no longer who we were?

It popped into my mind again today based on a conversation and an event (that were both probably interrelated).  First, I went into the office today, even though it is a scheduled day off, in order to make sure a couple of pieces were lined up for the hard run to the finish line that is going to start unfolding pretty rapidly over the next ten days.  Since I was “in but not in” I took advantage of it to have a nice long lunch with my friend Don. Don is one of my co-workers, a pupil of Adyashanti, and an excellent conversationalist.  We got to talking about the whole concept of the born and the unborn, so it was a pretty lively conversation.

After lunch I went back to the office, wrapped a few loose ends, made sure I had a good idea of the things I will need to do over the weekend so I can line them up and knock them off, and then left to run a few errands.  Stopped at the bank (wire transfer for a niece), stopped at the hardware store (get a coupleof keys cut), stopped at Target (a new circulating fanas my old one crapped out this week), and then stopped in to get a haircut.

It has actually been a while since I got my haircut – probably back in January.  I normally wear it short, but in high cycles, basic things like a haircut start to fall by the wayside.  It was…nice.  I went to a local spa (I know the hair person who works there), so I combined a haircut, a shave, and a massage into one nice hour.  As I walked out I realized that…

For the first time in a long time (five months maybe) I felt like…Rod.  Like the Rod I know.  Like…me.  Centered and whole.  It is a good feeling.  It may only be temporary, as I am sure there are still some spectacular crashes and flying monkey attacks waiting between here and the end of this project.  But until then, it feels…nice.  Good.  And that is a good thing.

Look!  There’s Rod!

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