Thursday, October 11, 2012

Cities of the Plain

What a day.

I went to bed a little early last night, read a bit, and was sound asleep by about 8:30 PM. Consequently, I woke up and rolled out of bed, showered, and was working by about 4:00 AM. It was a frustrating day - I was trying to work my way through my e-mail backlog, but I only made a bit of head way. It seemed that every time I managed to work one piece out, two more arrived.  By the end of the day, I was tired and frustrated.

There was a bright spot in the day, they had a masseur in giving neck and shoulder massages, so I managed to get a massage later in the day. All in all though, it was a lost cause of a day and a lost cause of a week, as far as project progress is concerned.  Tomorrow is a new day, so I get to do it all over again.

After work, I came home and took a short nap, then picked up Tony at the airport, returning from his vacation in Arizona and Minnesota, and we stopped at the Hickory Pit for dinner, then I dropped him off at his apartment. We watched a bit of the VP debate on the TV at the restaurant and then I watched the wrap on the television. I am sure there will be plenty of analysis about who did what to who when and where tomorrow.

It's Day Ten and I didn't really battle the monkey-mind today, though that was mostly due to being overwhelmed in the office and wrestling with my work related monkey-mind, which was threatening to run out of control. The trip to the airport to pick up Tony was a good distraction as well.

My plan for the evening is to curl up in bed and read a bit, then hopefully get a good nights sleep.  I started reading "Cities of the Plain", but it is going to take me a while to get into it, so I might turn to one of my science fiction magazines to read a short story or two.  Of course, there is a good possibility that once I hit the bed I am going to be five minutes from sleep.  I will let you know how that turns out in the morning.

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