Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Day, A TV Show and a Book

Well, every day ends. Today ended well. I am sitting in the living room with my feet up, having just had dinner and watched the latest episode of TNT's "Falling Skies", which I am enjoying - in large part because I think the triad of Will Patton, Noah Wylie and Moon Bloodgood are a set of very enjoyable actors, and in part because, well, I am a sucker for nearly anything that has to do with alien invasions.

The day passed quickly at work - I've been focused on trying to get as much cleared from my desk as I can before the vacation starts. I always hate leaving anything behind but I am not going to really have any choice this time around. Fortunately, I am not leaving anything major behind - just a lot of small stuff. I spent a good portion of the day today delving deeply into the operational metrics for the first half of the year and that kind of interesting. I always love crunching data because there is so much revealed (and concealed) in the counts.

My plan tonight is a simple one - I am going to spend time with TR and then read my way into the night. I haven't had much of a change lately to invest a few hours in reading, so I am going to make up for that tonight (and I am planning to make up for a lot of it while I am on vacation). I am currently reading a good Science Fiction book called "Spares" by Michael Marshall Smith. It's a book TR recommended and I instantly liked it from the first chapter. It is very well written and it quickly draws the reader in. I am about a third of the way into it and I wanted to read more deeply and make more headway because I am curious about how it is going to turn out. So, with that curiosity intact, I am off to read myself to sleep.

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