Sunday, August 26, 2012

Kitchen Table

My kitchen table, today. A simple day of errands and walking, of breakfast and a movie, of laundry and mopping. There was a good quote in the movie I saw today that I shared with T.R. and I thought I would share with you all.

"You are exactly where you are supposed to be. You are exactly who you should be. Today is exactly as it is supposed to be."

Powerful words coming from a romantic comedy starring Dax Shepard and the ever charming Kristen Bell. "Hit and Run" is also an amusing movie with more than a few laugh out loud moments, so I would recommend it if you need some good escapism time.

Here at the end of the day I am kind of in a mood of some sort. I want to tackled some cleaning in my spare bedroom, but for some reason I am doing a much better job of procrastinating. I think I need to decide what I am going to do and then just get busy doing it.
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